Here are some facts you may not know about Jameson.
How many years did you play football? -Before BYU = 7
Was football the favorite sport growing up? -No, probably basketball
What age did you start playing football? -11
What positions have you played? -WR, OLB, FS
What high school did you go to? -Alta
What are your hobbies? -Reading and cooking with my wife, and Japanese Comics
What are your plans after college? -Law School
What is your major? -English
What are you doing this summer? -Working at Vivint and the Special Collections in the library
What is your favorite movie? -Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?
What is your favorite Coach’s quote or saying? -“It’s a bag O’ donuts.”
Family members? DJ, Jameson, Preston, Gabby
Favorite vacations? -Okinawa
Wedding information- -Married at the Newport Beach Temple